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04. The Changing Structure of the Financial Ecosystem


이 카테고리는 경영학부 전자금융의 이해 수업을 듣고 정리한 내용을 바탕으로 글을 작성하였습니다.

Incumbent Collaboration with Techfins


  • a joint venture announced by Amazon, JPMorgan, and Berkshire Hathaway

  • It aimed to improve how people gain access to health care, starting with their own work forces

    • primary care easier to access

    • insurance benefits simpler to understand and easier to use

    • prescription drugs more affordable

Why Haven is ended 3 years after launching(2021) ?

  • Berkshire Hathaway had a wide variety of systems for administering health care at the companies it owns.

  • JPMorgan funds own health care plan for its employees, which posed a challenge to applying ideas working for Amazon and Berkshire Hathaway. (아이디어를 적용하는 것에 어려움을 겪었다)

Fintech Collaboration with Techfins

  • Fintech - The ability to acquire customers and achieve distributional scale is a critical barrier to their success.

  • Technology firms - Their massive customer bases and deep pockets place them in a unique position as a platform for the distribution of fintechs’ financial products.

Fintech가 Techfin과 콜라보를 하게 되면 어떠한 요인에서 하게 되는가

  • Fintech는 충분한 고객확보와 자본의 규모가 적은 반면에 Techfin은 대량의 고객층과 충분한 자본이 있기 때문에, fintech의 기술들을 접목시키면 서루 윈윈일 것이다.


  • The Future of Finance

    • The Impact of Fintech, AI, and Crypto on Financial Services, Henry Arslanian and Fabrice Fischer, 2019, Springer

